Create multiple folders
mkdir Folder_{00,01,02,03}
mkdir Folder_{01..10}
Commands history
!! #re-execute last cmd
! CMD-No # exe cmd
fc -s CMD-NO # exe cmd
cat FILE; vim !$ #vim edit last display
Join multi files
join FILE1 FILE2 | join - FILE3 | join -v1 - FILE4 | join -a2 - FILE5
Join with tab as separator
join -t $'\t' FILE1 FILE2
Command line text handling
CTL + U # erase the whole line
CTL + W # erase one word in the current line
CTL + L # clear screen
mv FILE1 FILE2 # rename file1 to file2
for i in *.txt; do mv "$i" "${i/[0-9]*}"
cat -n FILE1 FILE2 # number each line
cat -b # number line except blank lines
cat -s # replace 2 continuing blank lines to 2
Product sequential ids
seq 30000 33480 | awk '{print "Smp_" $1 "0"}'
Create a link
ln -s <source file> <symbolic file>
Sort: first on column 1 and then on column2 (numbers)
sort -k1,1 -k2,2n
Sort: on tab separated file
sort -t $'\t' FILE
Sequential numbers
for i in $(seq 1 3) $(seq 5 9) 25; do echo $i; done # 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 25
Cat too many files with the error: argument too long
cd file_directory
ls | xargs -n 32 -P 8 cat >>../outfile
To execute commands in a file
sh -e FILE.txt
To replace whitespace with tab (sed not working)
tr ' ' '\t'
Append file name to each line
awk '{print $0, FILENAME}' INPUT_FILE
Piping and Chaining
grep 'TEXT' file.txt | sort
./ && head outfile.txt # '&&' wait for command to finish then next
Show all files
ls -alhG
# ./bash_profile: alias ls="ls -alhG"
Switch directories
cd - # go back to last dir
pushd /newdir # go to new dir and remember current dir
popd # go to the remembered dir
Command history
HISTTIMEFORMAT="%Y-%m-%d %T " # add date and time to command history; add to .bashrc to record
CTL + R # search command
Empty a file
truncate -s 0 FILE
Suspend a file
CTL + Z # send to background
fg # bring to forground