iOS 9: first impressions

iOS 9 was released yesterday. Just updated to iOS 9 on my iPhone 4s. Here are a few first impressions:

New system font

The new western font is called “San Francisco” and Chinese font is “Ping Fang (苹方)”


New Notes

With more formatting options and easy navigation to the attachments (photos, videos, etc.)

Easier apps switch

Saves the HOME button.

Smarter Spotlight

Now can directly show some results.

Low Power Mode

Reduced power consumption. The battery icon will turn orange.

iCloud Drive shows up in the home screen

Sadly this OS update doesn’t rescue my defective wifi.

Update 2015-09-18


终于加了九宫格,不再需要第三方输入法了。英文名称很奇怪:10 Key

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