Wild life names

WildLife Names

The English and German animal names come from the Opel-Zoo website.

Chinese names were then added.

Here goes the list…

|+++ |CHINESE | ENGLISH | GERMAN |:— | :— | :+++ |狐獴 | Meerkat/Suricate | Erdmännchen |羊驼 | Alpaca | Alpaka |大袋鼠 | Wallaroo | Bergkänguru |巴巴利猿 | Barbary Ape | Berberaffe |蜜蜂 | Honey Bee | Honigbiene |雌麻鸭 | Shelduck | Brandgans |非洲蹄兔 | Bush Hyrax | Buschschliefer |鳄蜥 | Crocodile Lizard | Krokodilschwanzechse |扁角鹿 | Fallow Deer | Damhirsch |鹿 | Deer | Hirsch |单驼峰 | Dromedary Camel | Dromedar |北极狐 | Arctic Fox | Eisfuch |驼鹿 | Moose | Elch |非洲象 | African Elephant | Elefant, Afrikanischer |大角斑羚 | Eland | Elenantilope |驴 | Domestic Donkey | Esel, Hausesel |火烈鸟 | Flamingo | Flamingo |河马 | Hippopotamus | Flusspferd |赤狐 | Red Fox | Rotfuchs |黄喉鹧鸪 | Yellow-necked Spurfowl | Gelbkehlfrankolin |猎豹 | Cheetah | Gepard |杂交长臂猿 | Gibbon-Hybrid | Gibbon-Mischlinge |长颈鹿 | Giraffe Rothschild’s | Giraffe, Rothschild |蓝牛羚 | Blue Wildebeest | Blaues Gnu |黑羚 | Sasin Blackbuck | Hirschziegenantilope |乌拉尔猫头鹰 | Ural Owl | Habichtskauz |棕鬣狗 | Brown Hyena | Braune Hyäne |朱鹭 | Ibis | Ibis |黑斑羚 | Impala | Impala |加拿大鹅 | Kanadaganz | Canada Goose |僧帽猴 | Capuchin | Kapuzineraffe |乌鸦 | Raven | Kolkrabe |野鸡 | Pheasant | Fasan |鸬鹚 | Great Cormorant | Kormoran |澳洲淡水鳄 | Johnston’s Crocodile | Australisches Süßwasserkrokodil |大毒蜥? | Beaded Lizard | Skorpionskrustenechse |非洲灰鹦鹉 | Grey Parrot | Graupapagei |原驼 | Guanako | Guanaco |蝙蝠耳狐 | Bat-Eared Fox | Löffelhund |猞猁 | Eurasian Lynx | Nordluchs |鹳 | Marabou Stork | Marabu |欧洲盘羊 | European Mouflon | Mufflon |中国麂 | Reeves s Muntjac | Chinesischer Muntjak |美洲鸵鸟 | Greater Rhea | Nandu |黄胸织布鸟 | Yellow-crowned Bishop | Napoleonweber |长鼻浣熊 | Coati | Nasenbär |欧洲水貂 | European Mink | Europäischer Nerz |藤壶鹅 | Barnacle Goose | Weißwangengans |低地林羚 | Lowland Nyala | Tiefland-Nyala |红腹食人鱼 | Red-bellied Piranha | Roter Piranha |雪特兰小马 | Shetland-Pony | Shetland-Pony |球蟒 | Ball Python | Königspython |家羊| Domestic Sheep | Rhönschaf |山区小苇羚 | Mountain Reedbuck | Bergriedbock |德国红山牛 | German Red Hill Cow | Rotes Höhenvieh |白鹈鹕 | Great White Pelican | Rosapelikan |小熊猫 | Red/Lesser Panda | Kleiner Panda |乔氏猫 | Geoffrey`s cat | Salzkatze |海龟 | Turtles | Wasserschildekröte |陆龟 | Turtoises | Landschildkröten |雪鸮 | Snowy Owl | Schnee-Eule |哥廷根小型猪 | Goettinger Minipig | Göttinger Minischwein |小白鹭 | Little Egret | Seidenreiher |彩鹮 | Glossy Ibis | Brauner Sichler |白尾豪猪 | Indian Porcupine | Weißschwanz-Stachelschwein |猫头鹰 | Little Owl | Steinkauz |黑鹳 | Black Stork | Schwarzstorch |鸵鸟 | Blue Ostrich | Afrikanischer Strauß |斑头雁 | Barheaded Goose | Streifengans |欧洲池龟 | European Pond Turtle | Europäische Sumpfschildkröte |双峰驼 | Bactrian Camel | Trampeltier |斑鸠 | Turtle Dove | Turteltaube |大雕 | Eagle Owl | Uhu |褐鹰鸮 | Tawny Owl | Waldkauz |北方秃鹭 | Northern Bald Ibis | Waldrapp |疣猪 | Warthog | Warzenschwein |浣熊 | Raccoon | Waschbär |斑马| Grant’s Zebra | Böhmzebra |非洲侏儒山羊 | Westafrican Pygmy Goat | Afrikanische Zwergziege |矮猫鼬 | Dwarf Mongoose | Zwergichneumon

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