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Gut microbiota: the hacker inside your body?

Gut microbiota (gut flora) has aroused numerous research interests due to their potential influnences on human health and development.

(Image Credit: huffpost.com)

We know that we benifit from the bacteria living our intestine in digestion and nutritents take-up, and we try to keep them happy by taking food/drink containing probiotics. We also know that some of them are really bad, for instance Helicobacter causes gastric ulcer or even cancer. In recent years those microorganisms have also been found to shape human health in other ways: inflamation, obesity, inhibition of pathogens, and even brain development through a “gut-brain axis”. Research publications have increased dramatically in the recent years:

(Data source: [Web of Science](https://apps.webofknowledge.com/summary.do?product=WOS&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=11&SID=S1LhUDxG96m9DyI8HMg))

There will be an evening event on gut bacteria on 31 May in Anglia Ruskin University, organised by EMBL-EBI. The talks look interesting:

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