

A beginner’s guide to eukaryotic genome annotation

Mark Yandell & Daniel Ence. Nature Reviews Genetics 13, 329-342 (May 2012). doi:10.1038/nrg3174




Software Description Refs
Ab initioand evidence-drivable gene predictors
Augustus Accepts expressed sequence tag (EST)-based and protein-based evidence hints. Highly accurate 66,67
mGene Support vector machine (SVM)-based discriminative gene predictor. Directly predicts 5′ and 3′ untranslated regions (UTRs) and poly(A) sites 133
SNAP Accepts EST and protein-based evidence hints. Easily trained 62
FGENESH Training files are constructed by SoftBerry and supplied to users 72
Geneid First published in 1992 and revised in 2000. Accepts external hints from EST and protein-based evidence 134
Genemark A self-training gene finder 69,70
Twinscan Extension of the popular Genscan algorithm that can use homology between two genomes to guide gene prediction 71
GAZE Highly configurable gene predictor 74
GenomeScan Extension of the popular Genscan algorithm that can use BLASTX searches to guide gene prediction 135
Conrad Discriminative gene predictor that uses conditional random fields (CRFs) 136
Contrast Discriminative gene predictor that uses both SVMs and CRFs 137
CRAIG Discriminative gene predictor that uses CRFs 138
Gnomon Hidden Markov model (HMM) tool based on Genscan that uses EST and protein alignments to guide gene prediction 73
GeneSeqer A tool for identifying potential exon–intron structure in precursor mRNAs (pre-mRNAs) by splice site prediction and spliced alignment 139
EST, protein and RNA-seq aligners and assemblers
BLAST Suite of rapid database search tools that uses Karlin–Altschul statistics 31,32,33
BLAT Faster than BLAST but has fewer features 42
Splign Splice-aware tool designed to align cDNA to genomic sequence 44
Spidey mRNA-to-DNA alignment tool that is designed to account for possible paralogous alignments 45
Prosplign Global alignment tool that uses BLAST hits to align in a splice-site- and paralogy-aware manner 140
sim4 Splice-aware cDNA-to-DNA alignment tool 46
Exonerate Splice-site-aware alignment algorithm that can align both protein and EST sequences to a genome 43
Cufflinks Extension to TopHat. Uses TopHat outputs to create transcript models 54
Trinity High-quality de novo transcriptome assembler 50
MapSplice Spliced aligner that does not use a model of canonical splice junction 141
TopHat Transcriptome aligner that aligns RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) reads to a reference genome using Bowtie to identify splice sites 51
GSNAP A fast short-read assembler 52
Choosers and combiners
JIGSAW Combines evidence from alignment and ab initio gene prediction tools to produce a consensus gene model 78
EVidenceModeler Produces a consensus gene model by combining evidence from protein and transcript alignments together with ab initio predictions using weights for both abundance and the sources of the evidence 79
GLEAN Tool for creating consensus gene lists by integrating gene evidence through latent class analysis 80
Evigan Probabilistic evidence combiner that use a Bayeisan network to weigh and integrate evidence from ab initio predictors, alignments and expression data to produce a consensus gene model 81
Genome annotation pipelines
PASA Annotation pipeline that aligns EST and protein sequences to the genome and produces evidence-driven consensus gene models 56,82
MAKER Annotation pipeline that uses BLAST and exonerate to align protein and EST sequences. Also accepts features from RNA-seq alignment tools (such as TopHat). Massively parallel 10,83
NCBI The genome annotation pipeline from the US National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Uses BLAST alignments together with predictions from Gnomon and GenomeScan to produce gene models 142
Ensembl Ensembl’s genome annotation pipeline. Uses species-specific and cross-species alignments to build gene models. Also annotates non-coding RNAs 107
Genome browsers for curation
Artemis Java-based genome browser for feature viewing and annotation. Can use binary alignment map (BAM) files as input 99
Apollo Java-based genome browser that allows the user to create and edit gene models and write their edits to a remote database 97
JBROWSE JavaScript- and HTML-based genome browser that can be embedded into wikis for community work. Excellent for Web-based use 87
IGV Genome browser that supports BAM files and expression data 143
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