topGO has a build in function to retrive genes that associated with a GO term genesInTerm, but by default it gives you all annotated genes instead of those siginficant. We can get them from the result table allResult:
But what if we just want to list those significant genes? Thanks to the tip from Lidia, which select them by a function:
To add the genes to the GenTable (e.g. “results <- GenTable()") and export the new table, we need to convert the list to a charactor vector:
allRes$genes <-vapply(allRes$genes, paste, collapse = ",", character(1L))
Then we can use write.table function.
Update 2019-09-11:
The subset code to output terms with p<0.05 is not flawless: it will ignore terms with p-val as scientific notation e.g., 1e-10. To amend this, take the column as numeric or grep “e-":