学生物的人都知道Sanger研究所很牛,尤其是其在基因组和测序领域几乎无出其右。到底他们有多厉害呢,我们理科生习惯用数据说话。今天闲来无事,看了看网站上列出的每年发表文章。Sanger研究所2014-2016年期间作为通讯单位共发表1642篇论文,平均每年550篇左右。如果加上合作者的身份,每年论文在880篇左右(Web of Science数据)。我一不小心汇总了下这1642篇论文所发表的期刊,结果显示。。
An annotation transfer stratagy between different geome assemblies using RATT, Augustus, blast and scripting.
Gut microbiota (gut flora) has aroused numerous research interests due to their potential influnences on human health and development.
Using a Perl script to perform text replacing based on string pairs in a file