Featured image of post PSP GO Pause Game with Infinity

PSP GO Pause Game with Infinity

Infinity 2.0 now supports 6.60/6.61 with permanent CFW. However under such versions the Pause Game function will not work and device will crash. It's commonly say that you should disable the UNLOCK EXTRA MEMORY option in the RECOVERY MENU, but this option doesn't exist in Pro-C.

Vita mod 101

Overview of steps to modify your PS Vita. For education purpose only.

Featured image of post Downgrade PSV from 3.73 to 3.65/3.60

Downgrade PSV from 3.73 to 3.65/3.60

H-encore2 officially supports 3.73 but there is a tradeoff: it often needs to be re-opened after rebooting, and VitaShell will crash and reboot when refresh the Live Area. So it's better to downgrade to 3.60/3.65 with Enso support. For education purpose only.

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